Land North of
Oxford Road, Oakley
Public consultation
We are pleased to welcome you to this consultation website on our emerging proposals for residential development of land to the north of Oxford Road, Oakley.
We are preparing an outline planning application for up to 41 new homes together with new open spaces and areas for biodiversity enhancement. The proposals are for a range of house sizes but with a focus on 2 and 3 beds. This will deliver a sustainable new development that benefits the existing community as well as new residents.
We are keen to hear your thoughts to help shape our proposal which we are looking to formally submit the planning application at the end of February 2025. This website provides an overview of our exciting plans for the site and the link below provides the opportunity for you to let us know your thoughts on the proposal.
We are inviting comments until Friday 21st February 2025. Thank you.
Site location
The site is located to the north of Oxford Road and the northwestern edge of the village. To the south, east, and particularly the north lie the existing edge of the built form of the village.​

Illustrative Masterplan
Our proposal has evolved following an assessment of site constraints and input from our technical consultants. We consider it delivers a scheme that is appropriate in scale and in-keeping with the rest of Oakley in terms of density.
The precise details of the layout will be determined at a later stage, but for the purposes of the outline application we have prepared an illustrative masterplan to demonstrate how the new homes and open spaces could be provided on the site.

Our proposals

Our proposals are for up to 41 new homes of which 30% (12 dwellings) will be for affordable housing. ‘Affordable’ means housing available to those who cannot afford access to housing on the open market and will be in the form of social rented housing or other options such as shared ownership.
This is in excess of Buckinghamshire’s requirement for 25% affordable housing.
The new dwellings will comprise a mix of bed sizes including 2, 3, 4, and 5-bedrooms and will be a maximum of 2-storeys in height.
The mix of housing focuses on 2 & 3 beds homes (31 in total) which are better suited for families, downsizers, and first-time buyers. We understand this is in the greatest need locally.

Landscaping and accessible public open spaces are at the heart of the proposal. The site will be split into:
Open Space, woodland, and wildlife meadow. This incorporates space for a forestry school for local school children.
Enhanced public right of way with a dedicated footpath which is accessible in all seasons.
Landscaping buffer along the western side of the new access road.
The drainage pond has been designed to blend into the landscape being surrounded by vegetation with the opportunity for a bench and information board.
Trees, hedgerows, and wildflowers planted throughout the layout.
Footpaths throughout the layout.
We propose to supplement and enhance the existing vegetation with a range of new planting that will provide an onsite gain in biodiversity in excess of the 10 % required by law. This has considerable benefits to fauna and the local ecosystem.
The overall design of the landscaping is focused on providing an attractive living environment and which makes a positive impact on the countryside.

The site is connected to Oakley footpaths via the existing public right of way which links into Sun Crescent and the new footpath connection between 18 and 10 Oxford Road.
New residents will be within walking distance of the key amenities and facilities within Oakley, such as the village hall/shop and playing field, Chandos Pub, St Marys Church, and the Oakley Combined School.
Vehicular access to the development will be provided via a new access on the edge of Oakley.
The internal layout has a mix of road types with segregated footpaths.
All dwellings will meet the latest Building Regulations and will comply with the number of car and cycle car parking spaces required as per the planning policy.

Sense of place & character
Integration with existing village
New public open space
Affordable Housing
Ecological improvements
Woodland planting
Key benefits
Provision of much needed housing for local people. This will provide a mix of housing and tenures with a focus on homes for families, first time buyers, downsizers, and affordable housing.
70% of the homes will be 2 and 3 bed homes.
12 (30%) affordable homes which is an over-provision compared to 10 (25%) required by planning policy.
Within walking distance of village facilities helping to support and sustain these key village amenities through the creation of a new footpath link and enhancement of the existing public right of way, reducing reliance on private cars.
Creation of public open space for the community which includes the provision of a an informal woodland area that could be used for outdoor education.
Provision of new landscaped areas within the site alongside a significant increase in vegetation, wildflower meadow and trees. This provides a biodiversity net gain of over 10%.
Open space created around the Farmhouse which helps to promote and enhance the setting of this important heritage asset.
Provision of car and cycle parking as per planning policy.
Provision of additional car and cycle parking including electric charging points.
Financial contributions towards the improvement of vital local infrastructure, such as education.
Specific section 106 contribution towards the fund for the replacement village hall.
Increase in population will help sustain local shop and community pub.
This application will not include specific details about the design of the homes which will be forthcoming as part of a separate planning application. However, this proposal will deliver high-quality buildings that reflect the local character and context of Oakley and will meet the required energy and sustainability performance levels.
Planning timeline
We welcome comments from residents as we finalise our plans before submission. We aim to submit early Spring 2025
Once the planning application is submitted it will be considered by Buckinghamshire Council and assessed against local and national planning policies. We would expect a decision in 2025.
Who we are
RO Land is a land promotion business that works on behalf of landowners to create residential and commercial sites. We are part of the RO Group, a family-owned property, and investment company, that has been in business for 90 years.
RO Land is supported by a team of experienced professional consultants including:
Planning – DLP Planning Ltd
Masterplanning – Carter Jonas
Flooding & drainage – Intermodal Transportation Ltd
Transport - Intermodal Transportation Ltd
Landscape - ES Landscape Planning
Heritage - Cotswold Archaeology
Ecology & Biodiversity - Pell Frischmann